Wednesday, 21 October 2009



ok putting up the generalised questions i have come up with and going to choose 2 to work on more and research into it.

Subject areas and ideas pertaining to them

Option 1

A study of how abstract sound effects can tell a different story from realistically represented sound effects and no sound effects in film.

Option 2

A study of how abstract voices are different at showing more than just emotion than normal voices in Animation context.

Option 3

The absence of sound, ie Samurai Jack – Few vocals and sound effects, usually focuses on either music vocals or sound effects at any one point than all together. Final Fantasy Dissidia – Dialogue boxes even have sound effects when used, everything as a sound effect and is always accompanied by music.

What do fewer sound effects do for an Animation – maybe one reason is because Samurai Jack is a simple animation they wanted simple sound effects not to clog up the ambience and also having to sync them all up would be time consuming.

Option 4

How would the same amount of sound effects used in particular scenes in a film change the way a simple animation is perceived, ie fight scene.

Option 5

What would be the most effective way of using sound to portray voices in an animation without using language.

Option 6

Does a sparse use of audio make you focus on the opposite or more so on the other audio aspects in animation.

Option 7

Can visual design / art / coding techniques be used to:

1) Design effective Audio in a ‘media’
2) Create convincing character dialogue
3) Create effective spatialisation in audio aspects
4) Manipulate diagetic sound / non diagetic sound design
5) Design environmental sound design

Option 8

Perception of Sound – Manipulation of Sound source and image syncing

Are peoples fears of something in anyway imposed upon them by others around them their fears of the same thing? Like spiders for example

At a young age children are impressionable and in some cases I believe that others fear of something could enhance a disliking of instil a fear of such things solely because of others around you.

Assuming fear of something can be encouraged by those around you having the same fear – can sounds therefore encourage your fear or emotional response of a static image.

Can a sound accompaniment to static images change how you perceive certain things?

A series of paintings enhanced by audio accompaniment through headphones.

Ok and the winners are (after consultation)

Option 4 and 6 combined to create a study on the sounds (unsure which to specify at this stage) of a film short or film clip and see what the outcomes are if i changed the levels and or amount of sound effects used within.

Along with my earlier project proposal of the animation and the spider basing the theory of where the effective medium lies when mixing in for the affects of how a spider or otherwise hears sound.


have a great day

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