Saturday, 2 January 2010

Back to work - Buy ins, Inspiration


New year is upon us and so I have decided to start buying in the equipment needed for this project so it will hopefully arrive in time in the next 2 weeks ahead of shedule, now what I have gathered are:

ReCycle - Propellorheads audio editing suite, I felt it was time to change from the mastered Audacity to something a little more pro. in total £100. studica online

Tascam DR-07 - Portable audio recorder, for those hard to get sound effects. in total £150. dolphin music online

Books - Sound design books around £15 in total, amazon online

Films - On mass box sets, film series, collections, classics, I have spent around £130 on this - for inspiration and research. high street stores and amazon online

Also, been very tempted by a MIDI controller you see I have been researchign MIDIboxes, a non commercial rpoduct that you build yourself masterfully created by Thorsten Klose, you can find his videos on the useage of his kit at VIMEO from which I have become very aware of my hardware deficiency and software dependancy.

It is time to move on from my mastered appliacations and start learning new ones :) hence ReCycle and looking into new hardware such as MIDI controllers, however I forsee a problem with creating synthetic sounds for the film that wont be best recorded by the Tascam like absract zooms and woosh sounds and computer noises, or noises like the gas I plan to use will be very hard to find in Dundee without harm to oneself.

So I will look into Refills for Reason and Have already filled Protools with free Inserts from CA magazine :).

hope you had a good new year, have a good day

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