Monday, 8 March 2010

Week 9

End of Week 9

# What was your plan for this week?

D2 D3 and D4 (3 weeks)

# What did you actually do this week?

This week was a dissaster for my project as a series of unfortunate events unfolded however I have compelted D2-D4 but I am continuing to tweak them which is part of E.2

# If there are any differences between items 1 & 2, please explain why.

I would have completed these last week giving me time to prepare for my first test in 1 week but things do go bad sometimes so this first test will jsut have to be a preliminary and testign of testing methods.

# What worked well this week?

Not much considering

# What did not work so well this week?

Everything else

# What have you learned this week?

Surprises come in all shapes and sizes and i get really competitive and annoyed over some audio issues

# Describe all the items that have been added to your portfolio this week?

D1-D4 mock versions + B.1 html file

# Do you have any other comments to make?

The masters project is now starting so the heat is on now :)

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