Monday, 16 November 2009

Sound Effects


Firstly I have been looking at my literary review and not been able to read through it all, been very busy with other projects, work etc :) however

I have been testing the layering techniques inspired from films like Alien, and games and created a few blood gouging sword attacks for magicode-games which were liked so far, (tick positive feedback box)

Also today I got my hands on the Whitespace advert which I plan to put some sound effects too, to change the narrative :D just 10-20 seconds should do - as well as the animation symposium.

However I have opted into the Masters game audio design program and will be on route shortly to do one or more teams audio in 2 weeks or less - this will be tough with other coursework needing to be done at a steady rate (and not left to the last minute which i detest - undue stress) but I will work on it and gain valuable experience from it :)

Al Pacino in Devils Advoacte " ...Underestimated from day one "

I can find some connection with that :)

Have a great day

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